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77 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Larsson, Asa (Suecia)

Al patólogo forense Lars Pohjanen le quedan pocas semanas de vida cuando pide a Rebecka Martinsson que investigue un asesinato ocurrido sesenta años atrás. El cadáver del padre de un famoso boxeador que desapareció en 1962 sin dejar rastro acaba de ser descubierto dentro de un congelador en una remota granja. Rebecka acepta involucrarse en el caso, aunque oculta su conexión personal con el mismo.

CHF 17.50

Sangre derramada

Larsson, Åsa
Sangre derramada

Es verano en Suecia, cuando brilla el sol de medianoche y el largo invierno ha sido olvidado. En este tiempo mágico, una pastora protestante, Mildred, es hallada muerta con signos de tortura en la ciudad de Kiruna. Mildred era una feminista, una luchadora amada y odiada por igual. Está claro que no todos aceptan a una mujer en la Iglesia. Rebecka Martinsson vuelve a Kiruna, el lugar donde creció, y pronto se ve envuelta...

CHF 16.00

Cuando pase tu ira

Larsson, Åsa (Schweden)
Cuando pase tu ira
Wilma y Simon son dos jóvenes enamorados que han decidido sumergirse en el helado lago de Vittangijärvi, en el norte de Suecia, en busca de los restos de un avión alemán perdido en 1943. Mientras bucean, alguien corta la cuerda de seguridad de Wilma y tapa el orificio de salida en el hielo. No podrán escapar. Cuando la primavera se acerca al norte de Suecia, el cuerpo de Wilma emerge de las aguas del río Torneälven. Al mismo tiempo, una figura f...

CHF 16.00

Until Thy Wrath Be Past

Larsson, Åsa / Thompson, Laurie
Until Thy Wrath Be Past raved that Asa Larsson's Rebecka Martinsson is a crime fighter who has all the needed gut insticts, " and listed the series as "Mysteries Every Thinking Woman Should Read." In Until Thy Wrath Be Past the body of a young woman surfaces in the River Torne, in the far north of Sweden. Meanwhile, Rebecka Martinsson is working as a prosecutor in nearby Kiruna. Her sleep has been disturbed by haunting visions of a shadowy, accusing figure....

CHF 19.50

The Second Deadly Sin

Larsson, Åsa / Thompson, Laurie
The Second Deadly Sin
Åsa Larsson was born and grew up in Kiruna, Sweden. She is a qualified lawyer and made her debut in 2003 with The Savage Altar, which was awarded the Swedish Crime Writers' Association prize for best debut novel. Its sequel, The Blood Spilt, was chosen as Best Swedish Crime Novel of 2004, as was The Second Deadly Sin in 2011. Her novels were adapted for television and shown on More 4.  The sixth and final book in the Rebecka Martinsson series,...

CHF 19.50

The Black Path

Larsson, Åsa / Delargy, Marlaine
The Black Path
One of The Times' "Best Crime Novels by Women since 2000"    "Rebecka Martinsson: the new Scandi-noir heroine to rival Saga Noren and Sarah Lund" iNews    "In a television world now awash in female coppers, there aren't many as interesting and human as Rebecka"  Wall Street Journal The frozen body of a woman is found in a fishing ark on the ice near Torneträsk in northern Sweden. She has been brutally tortured, but the killing blow was clumsy,...

CHF 19.50

Wer ohne Sünde ist

Larsson, Åsa / Rüegger, Lotta / Wolandt, Holger
Wer ohne Sünde ist
Das grandiose Finale der Rebecka-Martinsson-Serie. »Bitte hilf mir, Rebecka!« Der mittlerweile todkranke Gerichtsmediziner Lars Pohjanen bittet die Staatsanwältin Rebecka Martinsson, einen längst verjährten Mordfall wiederaufzunehmen. Sie stimmt zu, auch wenn sie in Gedanken ganz woanders ist: Die beiden wichtigsten Männer in ihrem Leben - Krister, der Führer der Hundestaffel, und Mons, der smarte Jurist aus Stockholm - haben sich wütend vo...

CHF 17.50

Wer ohne Sünde ist

Larsson, Åsa / Rüegger, Lotta / Wolandt, Holger
Wer ohne Sünde ist
Die schwedische Bestsellerautorin Åsa Larsson meldet sich endlich zurück! Ein grandioser neuer Fall für Staatsanwältin Rebecka Martinsson»Bitte hilf mir, Rebecka!« Der Gerichtsmediziner Lars Pohjanen, der todkrank ist, bittet die Staatsanwältin Rebecka Martinsson, ihm zuliebe einen längst verjährten Mordfall wiederaufzunehmen. Aus purem Mitleid stimmt sie zu, auch wenn sie in Gedanken ganz woanders ist: Die beiden wichtigsten Männer in ihrem L...

CHF 30.50

The Sins of our Fathers

Larsson, Åsa / Perry, Frank
The Sins of our Fathers
Winner of the Best Swedish Crime Novel of the Year 2021 (Swedish Crime Writers' Academy)Winner of the Storytel Award for Best Suspense Novel 2021 Winner of the Adlibris Award for Best Suspense Novel 2021 Forensic pathologist Lars Pohjanen has only a few weeks to live when he asks Rebecka Martinsson to investigate a murder that has long since passed the statute of limitations. A body found in a freezer at the home of the deceased alcoholic, Hen...

CHF 18.50

The Sins of our Fathers

Larsson, Åsa / Perry, Frank
The Sins of our Fathers
Winner of the Best Swedish Crime Novel of the Year 2021 (Swedish Crime Writers' Academy)Winner of the Storytel Award for Best Suspense Novel 2021 Winner of the Adlibris Award for Best Suspense Novel 2021 Forensic pathologist Lars Pohjanen has only a few weeks to live when he asks Rebecka Martinsson to investigate a murder that has long since passed the statute of limitations. A body found in a freezer at the home of the deceased alcoholic, Hen...

CHF 26.90

Sentiero nero. I casi di Rebecka Martinsson

Larsson, Åsa / De Marco, K.
Sentiero nero. I casi di Rebecka Martinsson
Ancora molto scossa dall'esito della sua ultima indagine, Rebecka Martinsson decide di lasciare lo studio di Stoccolma e accetta l'incarico di sostituto procuratore a Kiruna. Ma il ritrovamento di un corpo assiderato in un capanno sul ghiaccio spezza l'idillio della sua nuova vita. Con l'aiuto dell'ispettrice Anna-Maria Mella, Rebecka scoprirà uno strano triangolo di affari e sentimenti, una storia di ossessione e commerci rischiosi, che mesco...

CHF 21.90

Dämonenjäger - Jagd auf den Höllenhund

Larsson, Åsa / Korsell, Ingela / Jonsson, Henrik / Dörries, Maike
Dämonenjäger - Jagd auf den Höllenhund
Zwei Brüder auf Monster-JagdUnheimliche, gefährliche Dinge passieren in dem kleinen Städtchen Mariefred. Seit undenkbar langer Zeit beherbergt der idyllische Ort tief unter der Erde eine magische Bibliothek. Wie ein Magnet zieht dieser uralte Zauberort gute, aber auch böse Kräfte an. Die Brüder Alrik und Viggo sind die einzigen, die Mariefred und seine Bewohner vor den Mächten der Finsternis beschützen können.Ein Untier in Gestalt eines riesig...

CHF 13.90

Tempesta solare. I casi di Rebecka Martinsson

Larsson, Åsa / De Marco, K.
Tempesta solare. I casi di Rebecka Martinsson
A Kiruna, una terra avvolta nell'eterna notte polare, giace il corpo massacrato del predicatore più famoso della Svezia, morto per la seconda volta. La prima volta era stato investito da un'auto ma si era risvegliato e aveva raccontato del regno fra la vita e la morte. Diventato una celebrità, aveva usato la sua nuova forza per riunificare tre diverse congregazioni in un'unica, potente comunità religiosa. Chiamata dalla sorella della vittima, ...

CHF 18.90

De tweede zonde

Larsson, Asa / Weeda, Erica
De tweede zonde
Officier van justitie Rebecka Martinsson leidt het onderzoek naar een gruwelijke moord in Kiruna, in het hoge noorden van Zweden. Het slachtoffer is Soll-Britt en zij zorgde voor haar negenjarige kleinzoon Marcus, die getuige was van de moord. Zolang het onderzoek loopt, vindt Marcus onderdak bij politieman Krister. Hoe dieper Rebecka in de zaak duikt, hoe meer bizarre sterf - gevallen bovenkomen die met elkaar te maken hebben en Marcus in gev...

CHF 28.90

Il sangue versato

Larsson, Åsa / De Marco, K.
Il sangue versato
Nel giorno di mezza estate, quando la notte bisbiglia e la gente diventa irrequieta, in una terra incantevole ai limiti del mondo, si compie un delitto feroce. Nella chiesa di Jukkasjärvi, piccola località nei pressi di Kiruna, viene ritrovato il corpo martoriato del pastore Mildred Nilsson, una figura controversa che con l'intransigenza delle sue posizioni aveva diviso le anime del paese, attirando odio viscerale e venerazione. L'avvocato Reb...

CHF 21.90